1. Knead Pizza Dough in Under 2 Minutes
Sure, you can knead pizza dough by hand (in 8 minutes) or in a stand mixer (in 5 minutes), but why not put your food processor to work and save some time (and prevent your hands from cramping)? Simply pulse flour, sugar, and yeast together in the food processor (about 5 pulses), and then add ice water and process for about 10 seconds, or until no dry flour remains. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes, and then let it proof in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours, and up to three days. Find more tips on kneading dough in your food processor here.
Knead to Know: When properly kneaded, dough should have a smooth, almost shiny appearance. If you pull the dough, it should feel very stretchy and quickly spring back into place. The photos below show what underkneaded, properly kneaded, and overkneaded dough looks like in a food processor (from left to right).